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All posts by Guglielmo Mengora
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Luglio 30, 2022

Windows Storage Replica: dealing with “WaitingForDestination” status

A few months ago we decided to change the configuration of some of our virtualization servers that were using Hyper-V replica to create replicas that could be used in case of a disaster. We used to replicate such machines so we could restore them quickly in case of issues or even start them on the destination host, if needed.

I will deal with the reasons why we decided to switch technology, from Hyper-V replica to Windows Storage Replica, in a different, bigger post but one thing we noticed quite soon during our first migrations was that sometimes our replicated volumes were apparently hanging in a WaitingForDestination status. As the name implies, it seemed that such [...]

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Dicembre 14, 2019

Il framework per lo sviluppo: .NET Core

La prima scelta che è stato necessario prendere mentre progettavamo il design di Skynet era ovviamente il framework o i framework da usare per lo sviluppo. Le soluzioni sono moltissime e sicuramente ognuno ha delle ragioni specifiche per pensare a questa o quella soluzione in modo da semplificare il lavoro ed ottenere magari una piattaforma aperta che possa includere altre tecnologie o soluzioni. Un esempio tipico è quello di partire da un progetto opensource o magari disegnare un frontend basato su WordPress e sviluppare estensioni e moduli per integrare le funzionalità che servono. Con tutte le tecnologie che esistono, non c’è un modo giusto o sbagliato ma semplicemente una [...]

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Novembre 2, 2019

How to containerize Windows Admin Center

Microsoft is investing a lot into its new Server Manager though Redmond is not encouraging that parallelism and often says that Windows Admin Center is not a 1-to-1 replacement for Server Manager. That is true because Server Manager and its underlying technology has a deeper connection with the operating system and it can be considered a platform while Winows Admin Center can be considered a very sophisticated shell that mostly works through WMI/Powershell connections.

However, Windows Admin Center is gaining a lot of traction and it’s quickly gaining support because its Web UI allows to embed important tasks into simple to access and to use [...]

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Ottobre 8, 2019

WordPress and MySQL: fixing the wp_options table

We had a weird problem when moving a WordPress website for a customer: after DUMPing it out of MySQL, we noted that the wp_options table had a problem, namely the table had no primary key and no index on the option_name field. We noted that because the WordPress website, once moved, looked akward and wrong, missing some key pieces and it also seemed to use settings that were old. The reason was that, with primary key missing, lots of duplicate records were stored inside the table and I’m pretty sure it was not what the website was meant to do. Field option_id was set to 0 in most cases when it should have been an auto-incremented integer plus it seemed [...]

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Maggio 11, 2019

Parte lo sviluppo di Skynet : un blog per seguire la sua evoluzione

Come service provider VaiSulWeb ha sempre gestito al proprio interno un numero di tecnologie molto elevato e ci siamo sempre avvalsi di tanti strumenti, a volte più semplici da integrare, altre volte meno. C’è una tendenza molto diffusa oggi nel delegare ai cloud provider ipermassivi come Microsoft Azure o Amazon AWS la gestione di tante tecnologie, soprattutto quelle più complesse e principalmente da parte dei provider più piccoli. A VaiSulWeb abbiamo sempre gestito le nostre infrastrutture proprietarie e non prevediamo di cambiare questa visione che per noi è strategica tuttavia è cambiato lo scenario anche rispetto a pochissimi mesi fa e se prima veniva considerata probabile [...]

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WordPress and MySQL: fixing the wp_options table
The little virtual machine that is crashing Hyper-V on AMD

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