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powershell | The Server Side Technology
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Posts Tagged ‘powershell’
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October 30, 2021

How to clear Powershell history (done right!)

You might find youserlf in a situation where you need to clear Powershell command history. For example, for us it was needed because we needed to prepare templates for virtual machines deployment and we needed to activate a specific software before finalizing the template.

Unfortunately you need to type a command to enter the code and activate the software and those templates could be used by our customers that might be able to retrieve the correct code by simply striking arrow-up. If you look for a solution you will find that Powershell has a specific command to do that:


However, you might find that this won’t solve your problem. Some [...]

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June 16, 2020

Acronis agent not registered, Windows Server core and SSL issues

We had previously identified what happened to those two boxes but that explanation is out of scope. This post is about how you can quickly recover form that situation.

A few days ago we had a weird issue on a couple of servers after upgrading Acronis agent. Console was unable to start any backup plan, either automatically or manually, complaining that the agent was not registered anymore. That looked weird since we had updated our agents many times in the past but this time, somehow, agents unregistered or were unable to re-register.

Actually, this round of updates had caused issues on a couple of Linux servers too but those had been quickly fixed by rebooting those [...]

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December 14, 2019

Il framework per lo sviluppo: .NET Core

La prima scelta che è stato necessario prendere mentre progettavamo il design di Skynet era ovviamente il framework o i framework da usare per lo sviluppo. Le soluzioni sono moltissime e sicuramente ognuno ha delle ragioni specifiche per pensare a questa o quella soluzione in modo da semplificare il lavoro ed ottenere magari una piattaforma aperta che possa includere altre tecnologie o soluzioni. Un esempio tipico è quello di partire da un progetto opensource o magari disegnare un frontend basato su WordPress e sviluppare estensioni e moduli per integrare le funzionalitĂ  che servono. Con tutte le tecnologie che esistono, non c’è un modo giusto o sbagliato ma semplicemente una [...]

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May 11, 2019

Parte lo sviluppo di Skynet : un blog per seguire la sua evoluzione

Come service provider VaiSulWeb ha sempre gestito al proprio interno un numero di tecnologie molto elevato e ci siamo sempre avvalsi di tanti strumenti, a volte piĂ¹ semplici da integrare, altre volte meno. C’è una tendenza molto diffusa oggi nel delegare ai cloud provider ipermassivi come Microsoft Azure o Amazon AWS la gestione di tante tecnologie, soprattutto quelle piĂ¹ complesse e principalmente da parte dei provider piĂ¹ piccoli. A VaiSulWeb abbiamo sempre gestito le nostre infrastrutture proprietarie e non prevediamo di cambiare questa visione che per noi è strategica tuttavia è cambiato lo scenario anche rispetto a pochissimi mesi fa e se prima veniva considerata probabile [...]

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September 15, 2017

Say hello to next-gen Server Manager: Microsoft introduces project “Honolulu”

Windows sys admins have long relied on the very wide range of tools that Windows, especially its Server versions, made available to manage the operating system. Unlike many think, such tools were not black boxes but they have been built on APIs that were available to developers, in most cases, so that they could write their own tools and access the very same information that Microsoft tools have been providing and also perform the same actions. But the tools themselves were good enough so that admins have been using them in a way or another, even when implementing their own.

Microsoft also provided Server Manager, a tool that in its latest versions allowed to manage multiple [...]

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